Saturday, April 26, 2014

Personal Digest Saturday: April 19 – April 25

Life news this week:
  • I got my edits back from my publisher, and since my contract says I only get ten days to address the edits, I thought it was best to jump right in! I completed the edits on Thursday.

  • I rewrote an article about asexuality, making it longer because the editor requested that I do so. It ended up about 2500 words (more than twice the original length), and it was accepted. Yay, it will be published, though I don't know when.

  • It was Administrative Professionals' Week, so my boss got me a nice card and everyone at the office signed it. And I got a gift card too. Awww!

  • I helped my mom with moving some things in her house, which was hard work but also fun. I made a disastrous batch of couscous to eat at her house and I hope she doesn't hate couscous now because of me.

  • I got all the stuff together for my sister Lindsay's bridal shower gifts. It was a lot of fun collecting the stuff for it--I'll have to write about it next week when I have pictures from the event!

  • I had to work extra hours at the day job this week because of proposals all due at the same time. Normally I am asked to limit my hours to 28 a week, but this week I worked 38 and a half. Coming in in the morning is tiring and I didn't get much sleep!

  • I finally put my entire to-read list on my Goodreads author account, though I'm nowhere near done adding my reviews to it. You should follow me.

  • Ate at Red Elephant with Jeaux on Wednesday, and we watched two episodes of Orphan Black.

  • Met an online friend, Jimmy, to whom I've been talking for about a year. We finally met up and had Chili's food and talked about everything. I also got to spend gift certificates at Barnes & Noble--bought three new books!

Places featured: 
  • I was apparently not famous enough this week to be featured anywhere. ;)
Reading progress:
  • Finished Dangerous by Shannon Hale: ★★★★
  • Currently reading The Promise: Part Two which is a graphic novel from the Avatar: The Last Airbender series. It is by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko.

New singing performances:

Recorded "Open Your Heart" by Madonna.

New drawings:

Webcomic Negative One Issue 0467: "Is It Real?"

New videos:

None this week.

New photos:

Selfie with a gnome in my mom's backyard.

Administrative Professionals' Day
I bought Julie Murphy's book! I met her when we were
both judges for one of Cupid's contests in 2012.

Social Media Counts:

YouTube subscribers: 3,272 for swankivy (47 new this week), 332 for JulieSondra (3 new). Twitter followers: 473 for swankivy (3 new), 370 for JulieSondra (6 new). Facebook: 248 friends (dropped one) and 124 followers (2 new) for swankivy, 333 likes for JulieSondra (1 new), 45 likes for Negative One (no change), 62 likes for So You Write (2 new). Tumblr followers: 1,289 (8 new).

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